UGHH#01 – Unconference on Games with History and Heritage
Faculty of History, University of Gdansk, Poland
Date: 22-23 February 2025
Theme: Infrastructures for Historical Game Studies
We bring together researchers, developers, and practitioners working on history- or heritage-themed games within formal frameworks such as research centers, grant projects, publications, conference series, edu-programmes, industry-academia collabs and so on.
The UNCONFERENCE format is a participant-driven semi-formal event with a flexible focus, with attendees co-creating the programme and engaging in open discussions. It is designed to foster connections, share insights, and explore existing and emergent opportunities. Forget lengthy conference talks! Come join us for workshops, discussion groups, team-building, and work-in-progress presentations. A highlight of the event will be a hybrid workshop on mapping games using the Historical Problem-Space framework, run by its esteemed creator, Jeremiah McCall.
We aim to discuss infrastructures for Historical Game Studies: institutionalisation, funding options, tools and frameworks, and collaboration models. Our team and partners bring experience in:
conducting grant-funded research projects on history/heritage-themed games
publishing HGS volumes and journals, including European Historical Game Studies
consulting and co-developing historical games in various formats: digital, analog, role-playing, and with various commercial and non-commercial partners
launching and running a B.A. programme in Historical Games Design
building a brand new Center for Historical Games and Heritage (C-HIGHER)
We invite people who have worked, are working, or plan to work in Historical Game Studies or development within any formal structure, whether institution- or project-based. Researchers, educators, editors, grants writers, game developers, conference orgs, and more. Please sign up here by 31 January 2025:
Spaces are limited to 40 participants. We want a close-knit, cosy, informal atmosphere where everyone gets to know one another. If applications exceed capacity, we will prioritise: (1) experience with HGS Infrastructures, (2) regional and institutional diversity, (3) open opportunities for partnerships and joint projects. We will respond to all applications by 9 February 2025.
Attendance Fee: 50 EUR or 200 PLN
The fee covers lunch on 23 Feb, as well as coffee and snacks throughout the event.
Organizers: Faculty of History UG, C-HIGHER
You are welcome to stay one more day to attend the Games of War conference on Monday, 24 February 2025. This separate event is free of charge but requires its own registration.
The fee is 50 EUR or 200 PLN.
Bank info for Polish payments:
Bank details: Bank Pekao S.A. Oddział w Gdańsku IV, ul. Kołobrzeska 43
Account Number: 59 1240 1271 1111 0010 4368 2415
For international payments, please use the following:
Swift Code: PKOPPLPW
IBAN: PL 59 1240 1271 1111 0010 4368 2415
put the code number in the title of the payment: KU0W-25
Be warned: we start on Sat 22 Feb in the afternoon, Sun 23 Feb is the main event.
For map and travel information, check our main page: